General Terms and Conditions


General Terms and Conditions


Below you will find general terms and conditions that are intended to ensure that the sessions in psychological and educational counseling/coaching and training run as smoothly as possible. These general terms and conditions apply to all session agreements, entered into both verbally and in writing, between Psychological Counseling Hub and the Client.


§  Psychological Counseling Hub, KVK nr: 81778325 BTW nr: NL003602906B49. 


§  An agreement is established by written acceptance of the informed consent form. The informed consent reflects the content of the agreement. An agreement can also be established verbally, such as an appointment for a counseling/training session.



§  Psychological Counseling Hub provides psychological and educational counseling, coaching, and trainings. Psychological counseling and coaching involve e.g., building resiliency via focusing on the strengths and extant resources of individuals and adopting predominantly a preventive approach to overcome potentially long-lasting mental health issues. Educational counseling involves job and performance coaching, study choice, academic skills such as learning techniques, statistics, and communication skills. Trainings involves workshops and seminars (e.g., soft skills and parenting). The target group of Psychological Counseling Hub is both youth and adults.

§  Psychological Counseling Hub facilitates the Client in using her/his own strengths, relevant experiences, skills, and resources to address a current issue. Psychological Counseling Hub consciously chooses not to provide care to clients:

§  With a need for (very) intensive personal guidance that goes further than the regular guidance available;

§  Severe cases (e.g., oppositional defiant disorder, severe aggression problems, psychoses, personality disorders);

§  Who exhibit(ed) suicidal behavior (including passive suicidal ideation);

§  With current (soft) drug and/or alcohol addiction;

§  With sensory impairments such as visual and hearing limitations. 

§  With serious psychiatric problems, which for example require a closed admission.

§  Special needs (e.g., intellectual disabilities)

§  With eating disorders

§  With a clinical diagnosis and treatment needs.

§  Clients to whom care cannot be provided on the basis of these exclusion criteria will be informed about this. Together an alternative will be looked for.

§  The approach of Psychological Counseling Hub is not suitable for the treatment of chronic, severe psychiatric or psychological problems. For this, you can make an appointment with your GP. He or she can advise you on an appropriate treatment and refer you to it. Psychological Counseling Hub has a counseling role and shares its best insights and tools. Psychological Counseling Hub is not liable for what you do with that counseling.

§  Psychological Counseling Hub does not have a crisis service. In the event of a crisis, contact your general practitioner or 113 | suicide prevention | ☎ 0900-0113. For more information see: Crisis service and crisis shelter.


§  Free of charge up to 48 hours before the start of the appointment.

§  For cancellations within 48 hours before the start of the appointment, full costs will be charged. 


§  Sessions are made no longer available when the Client cancels 3 times subsequently without the prior consultation with the psychologist.


§  Appointments for a session and/or training start and end at the agreed times. The Client must ensure that they are present on time at the agreed time and place.

Online sessions:

§  During the online sessions, the Client is responsible for being alone, ensuring silence, privacy, good lighting and internet speed. Moreover, the Client is responsible for his/her data safety, keeping username and password safe in case of using a shared computer/tablet/phone. When these conditions are not fully met, Psychological Counseling Hub has the right to terminate the session early. 

Privacy, confidentiality, and safety:

§  Psychological Counseling Hub located at (…), is responsible for the processing of personal data as shown in this privacy policy. This privacy policy fulfills the obligation of accountability (Art. 24 GDPR).

§  This privacy policy clearly and transparently explains how Psychological Counseling Hub handles the processing of personal data. These are data that can be directly or indirectly traced back to a natural person. The processing of personal data is done accurately and in accordance with the GDPR privacy law.

§  The processing of personal data takes place according to the following principles:

§  No more personal data is processed than necessary;

§  Personal data is not kept longer than necessary;

§  The processing of personal data means all actions that can be performed with data, including, but not limited to, collecting, storing, forwarding, consulting, changing and deleting;

§  The processing of personal data takes place on the basis of a legal basis.

§  Psychological Counseling Hub processes personal data on the basis of the following principles:

§  Necessary for the performance of an agreement;

§  Necessary for compliance with a legal obligation;

§  Necessary to protect vital interests.

§  Psychological Counseling Hub processes your personal data because you use its services and/or because you have provided them to it, either in person (orally or via forms), or by telephone, or digitally (via e-mail).

§  The collection of personal data can only be via audio recordings when the Client involved and the Psychological Counseling Hub have signed a written permission (e.g., for the purposes of supervision).

§  Below you will find an overview of the personal data that are processed, the purpose of the processing and the basis on which this is done.

§  Ordinary personal data (e.g., name and surname, date of birth, gender, nationality, current address, employment situation, contact details) to receive factual information about a person and to offer invoice for the service.

§  Psychological Counseling Hub processes personal data under the following legal grounds:

§  The written consent of the Client (for minors: and his/her parents). This permission can always be withdrawn for the future, without this affecting the lawfulness of the processing of the data collected before the withdrawal;

§  Aiming to attend to a counseling/coaching plan and goals set in collaboration with the Client;

§  A legal obligation, such as the obligation to keep records (according to the GDPR).

§  Psychological Counseling Hub only provides personal data to third parties if this is necessary for the execution of our agreement with you or to comply with a legal obligation (e.g., harm to oneself or someone else).

§  It is also mandatory to share the managed personal data with, for example, the police or the tax authorities in the context of a fraud investigation.

§  Retention periods of personal data personal data will not be kept longer than is necessary for the above principles. After the retention period has expired, personal data will be deleted. Personal data required for invoicing or administration for tax purposes will be kept for 7 years.

§  Under the General Data Protection Regulation, those involved in the processing of personal data have the following rights:

• Right of access to personal data (article 15);

• Right to rectification of personal data (article 16);

• Right to be forgotten (article 17);

• Right to restriction of processing (article 18);

• Right to data portability (article 20);

• Right to object to the processing of personal data (Article 21).

§  You have the right to inspect, rectify or delete the personal data that Psychological Counseling Hub has received from you (the deletion can be requested after the expiration of the “storage period” mentioned above). It depends on the basis on which the personal data has been processed whether, for example, the right to be forgotten or the right to data portability applies. In any case, the right to request any correction or removal does not apply to the findings/conclusions which are the psychologist’s professional responsibility. 

§  You always have the right to withdraw your consent to me to process your personal data in the future without this affecting the lawfulness of the processing of the data collected before the withdrawal.

§  You have the right to inspect your file. You can request this. This right extends to all data relating to you or your minor child (questionnaires, letters, plans and so on).

§  The psychologist of Psychological Counseling Hub has a Certificate of Good Conduct (a VOG statement).

§  Your practitioner is affiliated with the SKJ (Stichting Kwaliteitsregister Jeugd, Youth Quality Register Foundation). This means that your practitioner uses a professional code of ethics in which he undertakes to treat information confidentially.

§  The practitioner of Psychological Counseling Hub does not share information with your GP, health insurance or other people or institutions. In principle, she never consults with others without your prior consent and without your personal presence. Some exceptions to this are made in the following situations: The psychologist is permitted to breach this duty of confidentiality in emergencies (in case of future possibility of self-harm, harm to other or a minor). When another psychologist/psychological counselor (and the like) has also been involved in your case for a long time and you have requested a direct contact between Psychological Counseling Hub and the other psychologist/psychological counselor. Your consent is not required if consultation with colleagues is necessary, as long as those colleagues are also bound by a duty of confidentiality.

§  Psychological Counseling Hub takes the following measures to store personal data securely: backups, secure passwords, paper documents are stored in a locked cabinet.

§  Psychological Counseling Hub does not use automated decision-making or profiling.

§  Personal data is not processed outside the European Union (EU).

§  Psychological Counseling Hub takes the protection of your data seriously and take appropriate measures to prevent misuse, loss, unauthorized access, unwanted disclosure and unauthorized modification. If you have the impression that your data is not properly secured or there are indications of abuse, the first step is talking with the psychologist about your complaint as soon as possible. Feel free to call or e-mail and tell her about your complaint as clearly as possible. She will do her best to solve the issue to accommodate your satisfaction. If this is insufficient, you can submit a complaint to the Dutch Data Protection Authority.


Complaints Procedure

§  Psychological Counseling Hub values the rapport with the Client. If you are not satisfied with the guidance offered, the first step is talking with the psychologist about your complaint as soon as possible. Feel free to call or e-mail and tell her about your complaint as clearly as possible. She will do her best to solve the issue to accommodate your satisfaction. Hard to imagine not being able to solve it together, but it is good for you to know that you have also some other options.

§  For counseling concerning minors, you can complain here:

§ For counseling concerning adults, you can complain here:


Special Circumstances

§  There are rare situations where Psychological Counseling Hub offers discount. The Client can contact Psychological Counseling Hub if he/she is not able to afford the rates but still needs counseling services to discuss possibilities.

See the website for the services and their most recent rates.


Private reimbursement:

§  Psychological Counseling Hub does not work with insurance companies. The sessions are not reimbursed by health insurers. The responsibility for investigating which costs are covered by the Client’s insurance company and which conditions the insurance company applies, lies fully with the Client.

§  In some cases, the Client may be able to request reimbursement (full or in part) from your employer as education, self-development costs. An invoice can sometimes be sufficient for this. The responsibility for investigating which costs are covered by the Client’s employer and which conditions the Client’s employer applies, lies fully with the Client.


§  Payment is made via a digital invoice, which is sent by email (no later than 30 days) after each session. The invoice must be paid within 14 days of the invoice date. In case of non-payment within the forementioned period, a payment reminder will be sent. This reminder is free of charge and gives the Client the opportunity to pay within the following 2 weeks without additional costs. In this letter, there will be an explicit warning that the collection costs associated with recovering payment will be charged after 2 weeks. If the Client does not fulfil his/her obligations within 14 days of the date of the payment reminder, Psychological Counseling Hub is entitled to take collection measures or have them carried out by third parties without further notice.

§  Repeated conflicts about payment can put a lot of strain on the relationship of trust between the Client and the psychologist. This may ultimately lead the psychologist being forced to suspend or terminate the professional relationship because she believes there is a “serious reason” for termination.